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Confederation of Chinese Metalforming Industry
Add:10/F, Boya Tower C, Zhongguancun Life Science Park, Beiqing Rd., Changping, Beijing 102206, P.R.China

Buyers Forum Int’l 2025
- 2025 Forging, Stamping and Fabricating Parts Buyers Meeting

"Promoting trade" is not only MetalForm China, but also one of the important work objectives of CCMI. Service to "purchaser" is one of the main servicing contents of the exhibition.


Broadly speaking, MetalForm China exhibition is a huge trade platform or a platform to promote trade. Buyers come from exhibitors and visitors, and the basic knowledge, rules and skills contained in the procurement and supply system should be universal or useful. Therefore, in addition to service procurement, the Buyers Forum Int’l must also promote the construction of procurement culture and promote fair and just transactions.


The Buyers Forum Int’l will be held during the exhibition, sponsored by CCMI and hosted/organized by China Forge & Metalform Net. If you are interested in participating in the forum, please contact us by


The main contents of the forum are as follows:

Experts, involved in technological progress, production development and procurement culture construction, are invited to make professional speeches to lead the current and future procurement ideas and cultural construction.


Experts, involved in international trade knowledge, national trade policies and market rules, as well as research on the particularity of industrial products, are invited to make reports, so as to provide customary, legal and policy guidance for the supplier and the demander to reach trade.


The forum will invite experts, scholars and entrepreneurs who study China's business culture to discuss China's business environment and business culture construction, so as to provide guidance on social culture and business transaction culture for suppliers and demanders.


Based on market evaluation and study, the forum will release the current and future procurement direction and development direction, to guide supply and demand thinking and find suitable partners.


As to the communication and exchange, a special business talks place is set up as an interaction platform at the venue of the forum to provide participants with a face-to-face exchange and discussion.



Venue: To be indicated in Official/Formal Announcement


The forum will be held in a hotel, and the participants should be registered before and confirmed on site. An area for display and talks/exchange will be arranged for buyers and suppliers. All of the participants should pay for the attending in a different payment. The detailed information should reference to Official/Formal Announcement and Application Form of Buyers Forum Int’l.


Precautions for registration:

The purchaser, exhibitor and non-exhibitor or absent exhibitor of MetalForm China agrees to participate in this forum. Please fill in the Application Form of Buyers Forum Int’l  carefully, and sent to:

China Forge & Metalform Net

Confederation of Chinese MetalForming Industry

10/F Boya Tower C, Zhonguancun Life Science Park, Beiqing Rd.,

Changping, Beijing 102206, P. R. China.

Tel:+86 10 5305 6669

Fax +86 10 5305 6644


For more information or direct registration of the meeting, please click……