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Confederation of Chinese Metalforming Industry
Add:10/F, Boya Tower C, Zhongguancun Life Science Park, Beiqing Rd., Changping, Beijing 102206, P.R.China
Concurrent Event

Shen Gong (Masterpeice) Prize 2025
Shen Gong (Masterpeice) Prize2022
- Metal Formed Parts Evaluation 2025

The exhibition was held by CCMI since 1990, and held the activity of Shengong (Masterpiece) Price for the first time in 2002, which made outstanding contributions to promoting the development of the industry and serving the purchase of users. We sincerely invite you to join us. Shengong (Masterpiece) Prize is a free supporting service provided by the Organizer of MetalForm China for parts and components exhibitors. The participating enterprises must be exhibitors and submit technical data before the exhibition. On the first day of the exhibition, expert trusted by CCMI will be organized to start evaluating, and will present prize at the exhibition site before the end of the exhibition, which aims to launch a batch of high-quality parts and manufacturers through the exhibition and recommend them to downstream purchasers.


The Brain-Storm Expert Service Center of CCMI organizes experts in the industry to select products participating in the evaluation according to a set of scientific and open evaluation system. The "Quality Award" and "Praise Award" products have won the attention and recognition of world users and international purchasers, which is more conducive to improving the competitiveness of enterprises and opening up global markets.


The Detailed of the Evaluation is as follows:

1.       Conditions for Forgings: The forgings produced by the forging producer, who is the exhibitor of MetalForm China , and its factories (including oversea investment, Taiwanese company, sole proprietors and joint ventures) was located in China (excluding those processed or assembled into components and assemblies). The products participating in the evaluation shall fully explain the technology and process level, and the products not applied for and not exhibited shall not be awarded.


2.       Conditions for Pressing & Stamping and Sheet Metal & Fabricating Parts: The stampings and sheet metal & fabricating parts produced by the pressing & stamping and sheet metal & fabricating parts producer, who is the exhibitor of MetalForm China , and its factories (including oversea investment, Taiwanese company, sole proprietors and joint ventures) was located in China ( excluding those processed or assembled into components and assemblies). The products participating in the evaluation shall fully explain the technology and process level, and the products not applied for and not exhibited shall not be awarded.


3.       Way of Participating in the Evaluation: The products should be displayed on-site with unlimited quantity, and the products marked with “its name”.


4.       Application for Evaluation: In order to make the evaluation experts finish the evaluation work efficiently on site, please fill in the registration form and mail the drawings of the evaluated parts (finishing drawings and rough drawings) to the Affairs Department CCMI 45 days before the exhibition opening day.


5.       Attention: According to the evaluation situation, the exhibition may provide exhibition cabinets for the parts evaluated in the exhibition. Please prepare samples and submit them to the Organizer no later than the day before the exhibition opening day. If the parts are too large, they can be placed in their own booth, only pictures and cards are provided for display. Please fill in the cards of key parameters and highlights of the exhibits in advance. We will bind them into volumes and provide them to the media invited to the Medias to expand the influence of the prizes.


We Will Enjoy It.    

Please fill in the Application Form for Forging or Application Form for Pressing &Stamping and Sheet Metal & Fabricating carefully, and mail or send it together with the required information 45 days before the exhibition opening day.

Application Form for Forging 

Application Form for Pressing &Stamping and Sheet Metal & Fabricating

Affairs Department,

Confederation of Chinese MetalForming Industry

10/F Boya Tower C, Zhonguancun Life Science Park,

Beiqing Rd., Changping, Beijing 102206, P. R. China.

Tel:+86 10 5305 6669

Fax +86 10 5305 6644 
