德国Simufact公司将与德国Siempelkamp公司合作,于9月21日-24日参加金属成型展会,E2馆N58展位,期待您的光临。届时,德国Simufact公司将推出多样化的全系列产品 – simufact.forming和simufact.welding仿真软件。

最新更新:Simufact.forming 14
德国simufact公司将于11月份发布最新版本simufact.forming 14.0。在最新的版本中,Simufact优化了软件的安装过程。用户可以将已安装上的老版本设置应用到新版本上,简化最新版本的安装过程。
新版本的另一处优点,就是前后处理界面。在即将推出的新版本simufact.forming 14.0中,前后处理界面的结果显示能够显著提高软件的使用性能。
- 计算得到将导致装配、屈曲、失稳和间隙等问题的临界变形量并进行优化。
- 探索得到最佳焊接方法,包括
- 增加夹具,
- 改变焊接方向和焊接顺序,
- 夹具卸载对焊机变形及残余应力的影响,
- 焊缝质量检测。
- 能够直观得到温度分布、残余应力及变形的动态过程
- 能够直观得到通过改变夹具的作用和卸载,改变焊接顺序,工件预热和改变材料性能带来的影响

即将发布的新版本simufact.welding 6.0增加了对钎焊焊接工艺的仿真,包括热处理、电子束焊、激光焊等工艺类型。主要是新的工艺类型 - 钎焊,用户可以用一个优化的热源和低热量的输入来仿真钎焊工艺。在simufact的网站上,也即将发布该工艺类型的扩展应用和描述,敬请期待。
此外,simufact.welding 6.0也改进了软件的接触计算。对于复杂的模型设置,软件可以在更短的时间内使用更快的方法和特征来计算得到结果。
Simufact Engineering隶属于MSC软件公司,是一家为制造业提供模拟产品和服务的全球性软件公司。今天,经过20年的发展和为金属加工的设计和优化提供仿真解决方案服务,总部位于德国汉堡的Simufact公司已经成为这个业务领域的领导者之一。经过20多年的发展,Simufact成功扩展至全球市场,大约600个并且还在持续增长的动态客户群体支持着它的发展。由当地办事处和渠道合作伙伴共同建立起来的一个强大的、并且不断增长的网络支持着Simufact全球业务的发展。Simufact软件主要针对汽车行业、机械工程、航空航天行业和各自供应商,其应用领域囊括了热锻、冷成形、冲压、轧制、环扎、自由锻、机械连接、热处理和焊接等。
请登录www.simufact.com.了解更多Simufact Engineering资讯。
Hamburg, August 2016 In cooperation with Siempelkamp Simufact Engineering is attending MetalForm fair, September 21 - 24, 2016. Meet the company in hall E2 on stand N58. Simufact Engineering presents its full range of product diversity – providing first impressions on their simulation software product lines Simufact.forming and Simufact.welding.

Forming Simulation
Simufact.forming is an established software product for the simulation of industrial forming processes. The simulation software is extremely robust and fast, which is needed to provide timely results and impact the design phase. It is easy to use and allows process design engineers to optimize the manufacturing process on a computer prior to a physical tryout.
The software covers all major areas of metal forming: forging, cold forming, sheet metal forming, all rolling processes, open die forging and mechanical joining to name the most important fields of application. Simufact.forming supports in microstructural simulation, calculation of tool load, the material flow and the prediction of material properties during heat treatment.
By employing Simufact.forming, customers can ensure feasibility and process stability. The software helps develop new products more efficiently, reduce the number of costly try-outs, and optimize material usage.

Latest update: Simufact.forming 14 available in November
Simufact Engineering will release the new product version of Simufact.forming 14 in November. With the latest version, Simufact has improved the setup procedure of the software and from now on the user can transfer previous settings into the upcoming version thus simplified the switch to the current version.
Another enhancement in the upcoming release is the benefit of the new view for the pre- and post-processing. The upcoming version - Simufact.forming 14 - puts a focus on the results display in order to increase productivity.
Look forward to meet further enhancements regarding stability and speed of Simufact.forming 14.
Welding Simulation
Simufact.welding is a practice-oriented software for the simulation of welding processes. The software offers unique capabilities to calculate welding stresses, distortions and material properties evolution from a single graphical user interface. Simufact.welding helps users to:
• Identify and minimize critical distortions with respect to assembly, buckling, imbalance and clearances
• Explore the optimal welding method including
o the usage of clamping tools,
o decisions on welding directions and welding sequences,
o influence of unclamping on welding distortions and residual stresses
• Verify the quality of welding seams
As a result, the number of development loops is reduced significantly.
Simufact.welding conveys a broad understanding of the process to the user and aids in the process design by:
• Visualization of process influencing values, especially on the temperature distribution, residual stresses and deformations
• Virtual try-out of clamping, welding sequences, unclamping times, effects of preheating as well as variation of materials

Upcoming Release of Simufact.welding 6 in October
The forthcoming release - Simufact.welding 6 - comes with an extended process type spectrum covering brazing, stress relief heat treatment, electron beam welding and laser beam welding. With the new process type brazing, for instance, the user can optimize the heat sources and processes for a low-heat-input brazing process. An extended description of all new application fields will be soon released on the Simufact websites.
Furthermore, Simufact.welding 6 convinces the user with the improved stability due to contact calculation. In the upcoming release complicated model setups will be calculated in less time using the faster approach feature.
Look forward to employ a software release which offers you a broader application field as well as improvements in stability and speed.
About Simufact
Simufact Engineering – an MSC.Software company – is a global operating software company providing process simulation products and services to manufacturing industries. Today, after more than 20 years of developing and supporting simulation solutions for the design and optimization of manufacturing techniques in metal processing, the Hamburg (Germany) headquartered company has established as one of the leaders in this business area. Simufact succeeds in extending its global market share backed up by a dynamically growing customer base exceeding a number of 600 customers. A strong and continuously growing network composed of local offices and channel partners ensures global support. The software primarily aims at the automotive industry, mechanical engineering, aerospace industry and their respective suppliers. Typical fields of application for Simufact software are hot forging, cold forming, sheet metal forming, rolling, ring rolling, open die forging, mechanical joining, heat treatment, and welding. For more information about Simufact Engineering please visit www.simufact.com.
Simufact® is a registered trademark of Simufact Engineering GmbH. All other trademarks belong to their respective owners.
Press contact China
Jason Li
ManuSim Solutions Co., Ltd.
Tel.: +86 21 52396582
Press contact Germany
Volker Mensing
Director Marketing & Communications
simufact engineering gmbh
Tel.: +49 (0)40 790 128-160
Penelope Friebel
Public Relations & Social Media
simufact engineering gmbh
Tel.: +49 (0)40 790 128-164